
Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Contrary to what most have been made to believe, Valentine's Day is not just for couples but for everyone you love.

Well I for one do not believe that we are supposed to be celebrating specifically on one commercialized day although I did go for dinner with my partner and sister but it was not a big WOO HAA for us. It was dinner like most other days we ate out when we were not up for cooking. Valentine's Day should be celebrated everyday.

Treasure your loved ones everyday. It should not take a commercialized day for all the appreciation to be shown. Any day can be a day to show your appreciation and love. Surprise them with something small, share your kind words and love everyday. We do not only love our family and partners on Valentine's Day so why should we restrict special days or gifts to that only day of the year?

For those that are single, You are very lucky and blessed. You are given the choice and opportunity to make the right choice of partner while your other non single friends and family members may not have the prior knowledge. How many genuinely happy couples do you know around you and how many are struggling in their relationship.

Well sit down today and give it some thoughts about what you look for in a partner. What is it that you cannot live with in a partner. Appreciate your life and Love yourself in the process.

Love yourself and treasure the people around you everyday. Nevertheless, Happy Valentine's Day.

Till Then....

Friday, February 08, 2013

Live everyday like there is no Tomorrow

Had a heart wrenching day yesterday virtually supporting Mum when she went for her CT scan with suspected cancer. I was on the phone with her the whole journey there, waiting to register and waiting for her turn till waiting for her report to be out.

Speaking to a very frighten mum who was almost teary the whole day really made my heart ache even till today. Thank God the results came back to be cleared of cancer. I really Thank God for looking after my family.

I have learned yesterday that my parents are really growing old faster than I noticed. I have learned to say thanks to them and tell them how much I Loved them. Yesterday,I realized that I still have not given them enough of appreciation. It is not because I forgot about them but there are times I get carried away by work. I get too busy to eat my meals not to mention the short chats that they hope for. I do message them and chat to them a lot but there are the days where I just put work as my top priority.

Live everyday like there is no Tomorrow

What if there is no tomorrow? I am thankful that it is not too late. I am thankful for more time that God has granted me with my family. Let's not allow our participation in the #rat race take over our lives. Let us remind ourselves about what is important in life. I am going to live my life everyday like there is no tomorrow. I will share my love and appreciation everyday and when required to my family, friends and the ones around me.

If there is someone that you wish to seek forgiveness, someone you have forgiven and not shared with them, Someone you wish to share your love and appreciation with or something you really want to do.... Do it today. Right now. Make the phone call, send the text message, send the email, write that Facebook message, tweet the love. Let us not wait till it is too late.

Till then...

Love life.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

My awakening

Had a very good chat today with a close friend and I have decided to share it. We were just sharing and updating each other on our lives and how we have been going. As usual, my "coaching vibes" came out again. This time it was a little of a struggle because I was coaching in Mandarin. I was trying to express myself with some effort but generally it was a great call. 

I thank God for all my family and friends who have been so supportive of everything I do all these years. I am very proud to say that I do not have the biggest amount of friends in the world but I have my ardent fans who have been behind me all these time/years.

Today marks a great day for me. Just as I am coaching her or anyone in general, I am always learning something new everyday. Today it was made known to me again that my appreciation for my family and friends are officially mutual. I had a very great awakening today. I may not be the richest person on earth and I am no where near where I desire to be at the moment YET.... I may not be the most successful Businessman YET and neither am I the Best coach on earth YET.... But I do know one thing. I am leading such a loved and fulfilled life. One that not many people know how to appreciate and can be proud of. Doing what I do everyday with the burning passion to help people, I am serving people in the exact way I have the calling for.

I am very happy today to come to my own realization and a brand new appreciation that I am able to and I have in my own ways helped many people around me. Having piling testimonials from people is one thing. It is only when I come to the realization and appreciation that I have helped many people become a better and happier person that how much difference it made for them that resulted in an extremely powerful awakening for myself.

Right now, I want to thank all of you for allowing me into your life, for trusting me with all your deep and dark secrets and moving forward with me. Today is the best day yet.... I will continue to do what I can to help people and continuously improve myself.

Together, Let's make the world a better place for each other.

Till then....

Love Life

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

You are exactly what you focus on

This is a line that I love to share with everyone. My family, friends, clients and people around me. It may seem like a very insulting sentence to some and yet it can be a very motivating line to others.

Many already know that our brains works wonders. What we forget as humans is to apply this knowledge to our lives. I am also guilty of the above statement as it is a never ending journey of learning new things and reinforcing what we learned to our own lives.

You are exactly what you focus on.

When we are focused, worried, thinking or concerned about something, our brains works with the exact focus changing our perception of things. Have you ever wondered why you have such a bad day/period of time where everything around is bad and negative?

You are not alone. I have gone through a period of time in my life that I was always worrying about #finances. I was earning enough and in fact more than the average income earners. However I was never Happy or satisfied because all I could think of was the next bill to pay, the next expenses coming up and what "surprises" I was going to get. No matter how much I could afford to buy or spend, I was never happy. All I could look at was my worries.

The good thing about the brain is, we can change a situation as easily as we "create" it. Instead of looking at things as an issue, a worry, brood over it or even get depressed about it, why not use the brain powers wisely. We can chose to make our brains work for us as a solution center. How wonderful is that? Ask yourself the right questions like How?, Why?, When? instead of beating yourself up with "what does not work, what happened".

All it took for me to get out of that "depressing" mode was just to ask the right questions and open my mind to think about things in the positive way. I asked myself how I can move on from where I was. Why was I not where I wanted to be? When do I want to get to where I want to be? I could almost see all my alternatives and that my worries were actually uncalled for. I forgot to look at the great things in my life and was only focusing on the non significant things.

We all deserve to be happy and loved. We can make the choice now to look at another side of the picture just by a simple switch of thoughts process. Why put our very own valuable resource to waste?

When you start looking at everything in a positive light or in a solution based mode, you will soon discover that you have so much in life to appreciate and be thankful for. You will start to see that the solution is actually right in front of you or you already know what to do about it. It is that simple.

Start your positive thinking mode right now and try the differences for yourself.

Till then....

Love Life.

How do you feel fulfilled?

I have worked with different amazing people from all walks of life. No matter where they are in their lives, this is a question that I am asked very often. " How do I feel fulfilled?"

Feeling fulfilled is not about having the most beautiful body, the most expensive car or the biggest house. It is not just about fame or the money. There are so many people out there who have all these and they do not feel happy not to mention fulfilled. It is about how you feel about yourself from deep within. 

Here, I share my what I have learned from my life and people around me.

Know what you want in life!

Everyone goes on Holidays and Work trips. With the exception of unique circumstances, No one goes to the airport and board a plane without knowing where their destination is. Why would you do that in real life? If you do not know what you want in life, everyday will just be a routine of activities for survival or not even doing anything at all.Take some time out to ask yourself what you want in your life. The true meaning and calling of your life may not be what everyone else is chasing after because everyone is different.

Take responsibility for your own life!

It is always easier to blame someone. Definitely feels better to think that you are always right and someone else is wrong. Ask yourself this question, "Is this your Life or their life?" No matter how it may seem to be anyone and everyone else that made that mistake or cause you to make that mistake, You are the only one that can decide what you want to do with your life. No one can "force" you to do something that you have not decided to do yourself. Humans makes mistakes, You have to acknowledge that you might make a mistake/mistakes in your life but every action that you take is a choice that you make. It is only when you acknowledge that the power/responsibility is in your hands that you can decide to do what is better. Similarly, if you cannot acknowledge or take responsibility for a mistake/mistakes you have made, you will never learn from it and that is when you wonder why people are doing the same silly things over and over again.

Set Achievable Goals!

Most of us are not #Superman or #Wonder woman. The sky is the limit with goal setting. However if you are unable to fly in the sky as you would like, set realistic goals. When you have a goal/meaning to work towards, your mind will tune itself to find ways to achieve it. I am not discouraging you from setting good and high goals but something realistic enough that you will be able to achieve in real time. Setting an unrealistic goal will only get you frustrated before you can get any closer to your personal goals.

Review your Goals!

If you do not set a time limit to a goal that you have set, you will never get to it. Equally important with a realistic time limit is to know when you should review your goals. Have you ever felt that you were burning with passion and success and then at some point, you lost it all? Have you reviewed your Goals? Have you already achieved your goal and you have not realized it as you are starting to feel lost and unmotivated? A constant review will keep you updated on where you are, how and what you need to do to move on with life.

Stay Focused and Positive!

Everything we do take time and errors to get there. We learned to walk from crawling and falls when we were young. The same applies to everything in life. We do not stop learning to walk and stay crawling just because we fell and hurt ourselves. We had the focus to learn to walk. Our parents, grandparents and care takers had the same focus and they stayed positive, holding our hands through the process till we could walk on our own. As long as one stay focused and positive through it all, nothing is impossible.

Similarly Life has its ups and downs. Everyone goes through good turns and bad turns at some point of their life. We should acknowledge our failures, use the bad turns as a lesson and continue to move forward in life.  You will learn to be happy at all times and become a better person.

Learning is a never ending process!

As #Tony Robbins say, " When you stop learning and moving forward, you are as good as Dead". There is always a better way, a better alternative, a better life, a better you. Seek the knowledge and information no matter which stage of your life you are in. If you think that you are already at your best, you are really as good as "dead" because everyone is going to continue moving forward and you will be left behind the world. I am always excited about learning. I learn something everyday from my life, people around me, my experiences, other people's experiences and books. I get excited everyday because even if it is the same/similar thing that I hear or know, there is always a different way to do it.

Last but not least.....

Appreciate what you have in life!

You have achieved great things in life. You have fulfilled what you have set out to achieve in life at many points of your life. If you never learn to appreciate what you have in life, what you have achieved or fulfilled, you will never feel fulfilled or satisfied. There is always something that someone has that you don't own, there is always something better out there, a flashier car, a bigger house, more fame and wealth and more of something else. It is just like you have something that someone else seeks. Start every morning on the right foot by choice.  Be thankful for the things you have, you achieved or fulfilled. Find every occasion to celebrate your success in anything that you do. Appreciate life's abundance and find the meaning within.

Till Then,

Love life!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Business tip #1 People do not like to be sold

Today, I was invited to an event that will not be named.

It was yet another interesting presentation that obviously always sounds "too good to be true". 

Like most events, you will meet a lot of people and will have the chance to network with people once the organizers have presented their "hidden agenda".

Met a few really nice people that I really "connect" with straight away- Down to earth businessmen who share the similar interest to provide a service to help people.

Along came this "Business Consultant/Coach" who decided to "join" our conversation. He was full of himself and how great he was both as a person and a business coach. Hard selling all the services he offers and how he was sure all of us really needs his services. Oblivious to him, Conversation was a one way traffic and no one was interested.

Question to self: "How do you know that you can help someone when you do not even know the person or their needs?"

I strongly believe that no matter how big or small your business is, how successful you are or a start up, Everyone needs a coach. However like everyone else, I like to work with someone who cares and is more interested in what I need. I do not like to be sold.

Everyone believes that they have the best product in the world but do they know if the person they are "selling" it to needs it or is it just about them? Everyone loves to make a sale. No matter how versatile your product is, are you speaking to the person who needs it now?

Recommendation: Build a rapport with people and find out how you can help them. You can only help people or provide a service when you know what they need.

That was something I brought home today to reinforce to myself. I have committed myself to this principle and I hope that it helps you too. 

Till then.

Best Regards.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Becoming a happier person

In the process of cleaning up my emails, I chanced upon this long forsaken blog I started in 2006.

It is really amazing how an individual can change so much with time, life experience and self development. It was shocking to read what I blogged about in the past. Nothing more than setting the wrong mood for everyone including myself. I would have kept all my blog post as a reference for my personal growth but since it no longer serves any purpose and I have moved forward in life to be a better person (thankfully).

Let's keep moving forward from here....

I have learned to appreciate my life. I might not be or but I am happy to be who I am. I have learned to appreciate who I am and what I have. I am not perfect and there is always a better version of myself. As much as I feel happy and contented right now, I hunger to be a better me. 

I am thankful that I am healthy and very much alive now. I am thankful for the roof over my head and food on the table. I am thankful for my loving family, supportive partner and great friends who always stand by me. I am so thankful that I have learned to appreciate what I have.Have you taken a moment recently out of the Huzz and the Buzz to appreciate life?

You are what you Focus on. What you Focus on is what you get.

In this simple illustration above, my happiness comes from my ability to appreciate what I have. It is that simple. Try it for yourself and you will be able to tell the difference.

Love Yourself! Till then.

Best Regards.

A New Beginning

As the title suggest, this is the new beginning to my blog.

A little about myself. I am a Singaporean by Birth. I was a very dull person who was full of complains and unhappiness.

6 years ago, I made a huge decision to move to Sydney, Australia. That was the hardest decision anyone can make. To relocate to another country without all your family and friends. I cannot deny that it was really hard at the beginning, the first 6 months, to learn to live alone without the support of your family and friends by your side. However, that is the best decision I have made in my life.

Nothing in life comes easy. In fact, I have learned that taking the first step is actually the hardest for everyone but it gets easier with each step

I started my personal journey of self development over the last 6 years and that really helped me tremendously. I have restarted my life on a new page and thus a new start to this blog. As I blog to pen my own journey, I hope that my blogs will be able to benefit and support anyone that seeks information.

Till then...