
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

How do you feel fulfilled?

I have worked with different amazing people from all walks of life. No matter where they are in their lives, this is a question that I am asked very often. " How do I feel fulfilled?"

Feeling fulfilled is not about having the most beautiful body, the most expensive car or the biggest house. It is not just about fame or the money. There are so many people out there who have all these and they do not feel happy not to mention fulfilled. It is about how you feel about yourself from deep within. 

Here, I share my what I have learned from my life and people around me.

Know what you want in life!

Everyone goes on Holidays and Work trips. With the exception of unique circumstances, No one goes to the airport and board a plane without knowing where their destination is. Why would you do that in real life? If you do not know what you want in life, everyday will just be a routine of activities for survival or not even doing anything at all.Take some time out to ask yourself what you want in your life. The true meaning and calling of your life may not be what everyone else is chasing after because everyone is different.

Take responsibility for your own life!

It is always easier to blame someone. Definitely feels better to think that you are always right and someone else is wrong. Ask yourself this question, "Is this your Life or their life?" No matter how it may seem to be anyone and everyone else that made that mistake or cause you to make that mistake, You are the only one that can decide what you want to do with your life. No one can "force" you to do something that you have not decided to do yourself. Humans makes mistakes, You have to acknowledge that you might make a mistake/mistakes in your life but every action that you take is a choice that you make. It is only when you acknowledge that the power/responsibility is in your hands that you can decide to do what is better. Similarly, if you cannot acknowledge or take responsibility for a mistake/mistakes you have made, you will never learn from it and that is when you wonder why people are doing the same silly things over and over again.

Set Achievable Goals!

Most of us are not #Superman or #Wonder woman. The sky is the limit with goal setting. However if you are unable to fly in the sky as you would like, set realistic goals. When you have a goal/meaning to work towards, your mind will tune itself to find ways to achieve it. I am not discouraging you from setting good and high goals but something realistic enough that you will be able to achieve in real time. Setting an unrealistic goal will only get you frustrated before you can get any closer to your personal goals.

Review your Goals!

If you do not set a time limit to a goal that you have set, you will never get to it. Equally important with a realistic time limit is to know when you should review your goals. Have you ever felt that you were burning with passion and success and then at some point, you lost it all? Have you reviewed your Goals? Have you already achieved your goal and you have not realized it as you are starting to feel lost and unmotivated? A constant review will keep you updated on where you are, how and what you need to do to move on with life.

Stay Focused and Positive!

Everything we do take time and errors to get there. We learned to walk from crawling and falls when we were young. The same applies to everything in life. We do not stop learning to walk and stay crawling just because we fell and hurt ourselves. We had the focus to learn to walk. Our parents, grandparents and care takers had the same focus and they stayed positive, holding our hands through the process till we could walk on our own. As long as one stay focused and positive through it all, nothing is impossible.

Similarly Life has its ups and downs. Everyone goes through good turns and bad turns at some point of their life. We should acknowledge our failures, use the bad turns as a lesson and continue to move forward in life.  You will learn to be happy at all times and become a better person.

Learning is a never ending process!

As #Tony Robbins say, " When you stop learning and moving forward, you are as good as Dead". There is always a better way, a better alternative, a better life, a better you. Seek the knowledge and information no matter which stage of your life you are in. If you think that you are already at your best, you are really as good as "dead" because everyone is going to continue moving forward and you will be left behind the world. I am always excited about learning. I learn something everyday from my life, people around me, my experiences, other people's experiences and books. I get excited everyday because even if it is the same/similar thing that I hear or know, there is always a different way to do it.

Last but not least.....

Appreciate what you have in life!

You have achieved great things in life. You have fulfilled what you have set out to achieve in life at many points of your life. If you never learn to appreciate what you have in life, what you have achieved or fulfilled, you will never feel fulfilled or satisfied. There is always something that someone has that you don't own, there is always something better out there, a flashier car, a bigger house, more fame and wealth and more of something else. It is just like you have something that someone else seeks. Start every morning on the right foot by choice.  Be thankful for the things you have, you achieved or fulfilled. Find every occasion to celebrate your success in anything that you do. Appreciate life's abundance and find the meaning within.

Till Then,

Love life!

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