
Friday, February 01, 2013

Becoming a happier person

In the process of cleaning up my emails, I chanced upon this long forsaken blog I started in 2006.

It is really amazing how an individual can change so much with time, life experience and self development. It was shocking to read what I blogged about in the past. Nothing more than setting the wrong mood for everyone including myself. I would have kept all my blog post as a reference for my personal growth but since it no longer serves any purpose and I have moved forward in life to be a better person (thankfully).

Let's keep moving forward from here....

I have learned to appreciate my life. I might not be or but I am happy to be who I am. I have learned to appreciate who I am and what I have. I am not perfect and there is always a better version of myself. As much as I feel happy and contented right now, I hunger to be a better me. 

I am thankful that I am healthy and very much alive now. I am thankful for the roof over my head and food on the table. I am thankful for my loving family, supportive partner and great friends who always stand by me. I am so thankful that I have learned to appreciate what I have.Have you taken a moment recently out of the Huzz and the Buzz to appreciate life?

You are what you Focus on. What you Focus on is what you get.

In this simple illustration above, my happiness comes from my ability to appreciate what I have. It is that simple. Try it for yourself and you will be able to tell the difference.

Love Yourself! Till then.

Best Regards.

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